I have been following some back and forth between various participants in the e-world regarding the subject of what in the Golden Dawn are called Secret Chiefs. These are simply described as Masters or elders in the tradition. They are more than ordinary elders, however, as they are claimed to be Adepts in the tradition. Adept by virtue of the fact that they possess knowledge and powers that most do not. They have completed or are close to completing the Great Work. They are guiding the evolution of humanity.
What I wonder is what is their effect upon humanity? Why don't they step in and clarify things? There are many questions in the GD world which they could easily answer. Their appearance could energize the GD world and make it a strong vehicle for spiritual growth.
Rather than fumbling around trying to figure things out, we could settle historical questions and move on. We could get expert instruction from Adepts who would not be into power struggles or ego games. (Perhaps this is why they leave us to our own devices . . . as the Zen story goes, you can't add to a cup that is full).
AMORC and B.O.T.A. are two of the Orders I credit with helping me along the spiritual path. I don't feel either are as strong as they once were under earlier leaders. Though never a part of the Golden Dawn, I have read about its history and have followed in an on and off kind of way, modern developments.
I haven't met anyone in any of these groups that I would describe as being an Adept. That may be more of a statement of the efficacy of my discernment than anything else, but that is where I am at the moment.
Perhaps I am making too much of their (the Adepts) presence. The Dalai Lama is active and very well known, but this doesn't make everyone drop their current faith and convert to Buddhism. It also doesn't guarantee any follower any spiritual advantages.
There are a lot of issues in the world. It's not that I think the Adepts should step in and solve them, but it seems to me there could be stronger spiritual leadership. Perhaps this is more of a reflection of my current space, than the state of the world. Perhaps the kind of changes I am expecting them to make need to be made by us, and that is why we are still in the stew we are in.
In any case, if these 'Elder Brothers/Sisters exist, either they want us to figure it out for ourselves, or what they are doing is not visible in the direction I am looking. Perhaps their visible presence would stifle growth in areas we most need it.
Paul Foster Case writes in his work, "The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order" that when the time is right we will be approached by the 'Third Order'. We don't have to find them, they will find us. Or rather, they will wait until we are ready for the responsibilities for being in this rarefied state.
At this point the jury I have selected is still out.