Monday, April 16, 2012

Discrimination on the Path

It is up to my discriminatory faculty to determine what is true and what is false as it relates to my path and not to rely on the word of any leader or follower.

If my conclusion differs from another's, it does not behoove me to apologize for my opinions, no matter how erroneous another feels they may be.  I do agree, though, that such opinions should be expressed in a civil and respectful manner.

What is telling, and what potential Initiates can observe in order to exercise their faculty of discrimination, is how members of various groups and Orders they are interested in respond to conflicting ideas.

If I had an ongoing relationship with the Secret Chiefs, I probably wouldn't tell anyone, as ridicule would surely follow, given all that has been written about them.  Furthermore, it is a claim that requires more than my say so, as it can be considered a claim to spiritual authority.  Let's suppose, though, that I decided to go ahead and say that I was in contact with the Secret Chiefs, because I want to be sincere and relay my direct experience.

If I then started writing wonderful magical treatises and my Lodge became a beacon of light that attracted seekers far and wide, then my peers would recognize that what I put forth were worthy additions to the Tradition.  Even then, they may not believe my story of Secret Chiefs, but they would at least respect my contributions to the Work.

What is more important, to have people believe my claims, or to contribute to the Tradition?  Of course, people want validation, but seeking it from the wrong source will always bring suffering.  If I wanted everyone in the community to believe I had a relationship with the Secret Chiefs, and I were upset because not all of them did believe it, it would not be the disbelievers fault that I suffer, it would be my own, for I would be seeking emotional security or validation in something that is out of my hands.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Foolish on April 1st

As it is the 1st of April and it is April Fool's Day,
let us observe an innovation on  the Occult Maxim
fueled by the Life Power (Key 0) and . . .

Know . . . that Light overcomes Darkness

Will . . . that one will persist along the Path of Liberation

Dare . . . to move ahead despite apparent obstacles

Be Silent . . . when those in Darkness try to thwart our Work

Plan B?

I submitted this comment on Fr. Griffin's blog, in relation to this post re: The GD Witch Hunt but either it got lost in cyberspace or it was not approved.

Fr. Griffin, do you have a Plan B in case those you oppose choose to continue holding their view?

Have you considered that the more time you spend refuting them, that prospective seekers may conclude that the alternate views must be worth considering and carry considerable weight?

They will then have to go out and buy all of Nick and company's books to fully understand it, and start reading their blogs . . .

My point being that Attention is Life Force -

Choose carefully what you decide to give life to . . .

If it were me, and I had a complete GD system and Secret Chiefs to back me up, I would be so busy with the Work of the Order and helping and working with aspirants, that I wouldn't have time to debate what I knew was falsehood.

I would encourage those who were in darkness to keep working their system, whatever system that was, because in due time they will ripen and see through appearances to the Reality that lies behind.