Monday, April 16, 2012

Discrimination on the Path

It is up to my discriminatory faculty to determine what is true and what is false as it relates to my path and not to rely on the word of any leader or follower.

If my conclusion differs from another's, it does not behoove me to apologize for my opinions, no matter how erroneous another feels they may be.  I do agree, though, that such opinions should be expressed in a civil and respectful manner.

What is telling, and what potential Initiates can observe in order to exercise their faculty of discrimination, is how members of various groups and Orders they are interested in respond to conflicting ideas.

If I had an ongoing relationship with the Secret Chiefs, I probably wouldn't tell anyone, as ridicule would surely follow, given all that has been written about them.  Furthermore, it is a claim that requires more than my say so, as it can be considered a claim to spiritual authority.  Let's suppose, though, that I decided to go ahead and say that I was in contact with the Secret Chiefs, because I want to be sincere and relay my direct experience.

If I then started writing wonderful magical treatises and my Lodge became a beacon of light that attracted seekers far and wide, then my peers would recognize that what I put forth were worthy additions to the Tradition.  Even then, they may not believe my story of Secret Chiefs, but they would at least respect my contributions to the Work.

What is more important, to have people believe my claims, or to contribute to the Tradition?  Of course, people want validation, but seeking it from the wrong source will always bring suffering.  If I wanted everyone in the community to believe I had a relationship with the Secret Chiefs, and I were upset because not all of them did believe it, it would not be the disbelievers fault that I suffer, it would be my own, for I would be seeking emotional security or validation in something that is out of my hands.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Foolish on April 1st

As it is the 1st of April and it is April Fool's Day,
let us observe an innovation on  the Occult Maxim
fueled by the Life Power (Key 0) and . . .

Know . . . that Light overcomes Darkness

Will . . . that one will persist along the Path of Liberation

Dare . . . to move ahead despite apparent obstacles

Be Silent . . . when those in Darkness try to thwart our Work

Plan B?

I submitted this comment on Fr. Griffin's blog, in relation to this post re: The GD Witch Hunt but either it got lost in cyberspace or it was not approved.

Fr. Griffin, do you have a Plan B in case those you oppose choose to continue holding their view?

Have you considered that the more time you spend refuting them, that prospective seekers may conclude that the alternate views must be worth considering and carry considerable weight?

They will then have to go out and buy all of Nick and company's books to fully understand it, and start reading their blogs . . .

My point being that Attention is Life Force -

Choose carefully what you decide to give life to . . .

If it were me, and I had a complete GD system and Secret Chiefs to back me up, I would be so busy with the Work of the Order and helping and working with aspirants, that I wouldn't have time to debate what I knew was falsehood.

I would encourage those who were in darkness to keep working their system, whatever system that was, because in due time they will ripen and see through appearances to the Reality that lies behind.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Value of Spiritual Lineage

One value of lineage is giving confidence to outsiders looking to join.  Being aware of who is part of a lineage and feeling that you want to follow in their footsteps gives an organization credibility - at least on the surface.

It is known that George Washington, Ben Franklin and Mozart were Masons.  Perhaps they were members for reasons other than spiritual, but if individuals one respects are members, it gives one hope the system has value.

Paul Foster Case has always been my favored writer, and so I was drawn to the organizations he created and inspired.  My time with Builders of the Adytum and Fraternity of the Hidden Light were of great significance to my development and I still feel part of that Tradition, even though I am not currently active.

If lineage does have value and the Initiate discounts it, they may draw very little if anything from it but will in time recognize its value.  

What kind of value might strong lineage (meaning, individuals whom one respects and have contributed to the tradition in a significant way) have?

  • Providing the organization with a good public reputation
  • Suggests that a candidate will have experienced and capable mentors
  • Provides a more powerful group mind
  • Provides a greater reservoir of Current for group rituals and personal practice

If lineage does not have objective value an Initiate could still draw subjective value from it.  In such a case, the benefit to having  [your favored Adept(s) here] in one's lineage could:

  • be a motivator 
  • give a feeling of belonging
  • give a sense of carrying on a tradition given to one by those one respects
  • draw more current because the Initiate believes it does and thereby support their practice

These could be important props in the magical development of the Initiate until such point as they reach beyond to deeper sources of Current.

Knowing the Self

To live life in the moment
does not mean the end of progress. 
I cannot even recognize progress
except through you. 
For what would I,
being perfect and whole,
progress towards?

I only regress so that I may attain myself once again.
I must forget in order to remember. 
I create darkness, so that light may shine.
There are no players without a game.
Ye know this, who know My name.

Yes, My child, you will discard the mask you wear
and exchange it for another
with more depth of character
and a stronger desire to know Me.

Not just in an ecstatic embrace with Me
shall ye live for a fleeting moment,
Ye shall be like unto a loom
and weave Me into the fabric of your life.

For this is how ye come to know Me,
little by little,
that I may savour the journey.
For all too soon,
I arrive again at the place at which I started
And know Myself once again.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Buddhist Pattern on the Trestleboard

This is a variation on The Pattern on the Trestleboard found in both The Tarot and The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order by Paul Foster Case.  The original can be found on B.O.T.A.'s website .

The numbered statements are associated with the sephiroth on the Tree of Life.  Recitation can be more effective when the Tree is drawn on the body in imagination as each statement is spoken.  The statement numbered zero can be associated with the Ain, the Ain Soph or the Ain Soph Aur, as you prefer.

                      This is Truth about No Self

 0.  All the Power that ever was or will be is within the Clear Light of
 the Pure Land.

 1.  I am an expression of the Golden Radiance of the Buddha which
 eternally creates and sustains the Universe.

 2.  Through me, the Wisdom of the Buddha takes form in thought
 and word.

 3.  Filled with Understanding of the Clear Light of the Buddha, I am
 guided, moment by moment along the Supreme Path to Enlightenment.

 4.  From the Exhaustless Riches of the Compassionate Buddha, I draw
 blessings unto myself and all Sentient Beings.

 5.  I recognize the manifestation of the Perfect Justice of Karma in all
 the circumstances of my Life.

 6.  I see the Beauty of the Golden Radiance of the Buddha in all things,
 Great and Small.

 7.  I live in accordance with the Will of the Buddha, supported by the
 Wisdom and Understanding of the Enlightened Mind.

 8.  I look forward, with confidence, to the Perfect Realization of the
 Eternal Splendour of the Awakened Mind.

 9.  In thought, word and deed, I rest my life upon the Sure Foundation of
the Wisdom of Emptiness.

 10.  The Diamond Radiance of the Buddha is emodied in my flesh.

                                 A U M

 Optional Visualization during recitation:

 Visualize the Buddha above your head or overshadowing your entire
 body like an etheric double.

 Feel the Clear Light filling your Luminous Vehicle with Widsom and

 Feel the Strength, Purity, Love and Compassion of the Pure Land
 radiating out to all Sentient Beings.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Masters, Secret Chiefs and Spiritual Contact

I have been following some back and forth between various participants in the e-world regarding the subject of what in the Golden Dawn are called Secret Chiefs. These are simply described as Masters or elders in the tradition.  They are more than ordinary elders, however, as they are claimed to be Adepts in the tradition.  Adept by virtue of the fact that they possess knowledge and powers that most do not.  They have completed or are close to completing the Great Work.  They are guiding the evolution of humanity.  

What I wonder is what is their effect upon humanity?  Why don't they step in and clarify things?  There are many questions in the GD world which they could easily answer.  Their appearance could energize the GD world and make it a strong vehicle for spiritual growth.  

Rather than fumbling around trying to figure things out, we could settle historical questions and move on.  We could get expert instruction from Adepts who would not be into power struggles or ego games.  (Perhaps this is why they leave us to our own devices . . .  as the Zen story goes, you can't add to a cup that is full).

AMORC and B.O.T.A. are two of the Orders I credit with helping me along the spiritual path.  I don't feel either are as strong as they once were under earlier leaders.  Though never a part of the Golden Dawn, I have read about its history and have followed in an on and off kind of way, modern developments.  

I haven't met anyone in any of these groups that I would describe as being an Adept.  That may be more of a statement of the efficacy of my discernment than anything else, but that is where I am at the moment.

Perhaps I am making too much of their (the Adepts) presence.  The Dalai Lama is active and very well known, but this doesn't make everyone drop their current faith and convert to Buddhism.  It also doesn't guarantee any follower any spiritual advantages.

There are a lot of issues in the world.  It's not that I think the Adepts should step in and solve them, but it seems to me there could be stronger spiritual leadership.  Perhaps this is more of a reflection of my current space, than the state of the world.  Perhaps the kind of changes I am expecting them to make need to be made by us, and that is why we are still in the stew we are in.

In any case, if these 'Elder Brothers/Sisters exist, either they want us to figure it out for ourselves, or what they are doing is not visible in the direction I am looking.  Perhaps their visible presence would stifle growth in areas we most need it.

Paul Foster Case writes in his work, "The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order" that when the time is right we will be approached by the 'Third Order'.  We don't have to find them, they will find us.  Or rather, they will wait until we are ready for the responsibilities for being in this rarefied state.

At this point the jury I have selected is still out.