Sunday, April 1, 2012

Plan B?

I submitted this comment on Fr. Griffin's blog, in relation to this post re: The GD Witch Hunt but either it got lost in cyberspace or it was not approved.

Fr. Griffin, do you have a Plan B in case those you oppose choose to continue holding their view?

Have you considered that the more time you spend refuting them, that prospective seekers may conclude that the alternate views must be worth considering and carry considerable weight?

They will then have to go out and buy all of Nick and company's books to fully understand it, and start reading their blogs . . .

My point being that Attention is Life Force -

Choose carefully what you decide to give life to . . .

If it were me, and I had a complete GD system and Secret Chiefs to back me up, I would be so busy with the Work of the Order and helping and working with aspirants, that I wouldn't have time to debate what I knew was falsehood.

I would encourage those who were in darkness to keep working their system, whatever system that was, because in due time they will ripen and see through appearances to the Reality that lies behind.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly do not think that they have a Plan B. I see no originality in anything any of them say---even their insults are parroted.

    It is like watching the flame war twenty years ago, except that it was Robert Zink who was doing the prosecution talk.
